under the blanket fort

the romcom routine

if you see me reading, i almost always have a romcom in hand. last year, romcoms accounted for 17% of what i read. this year, nearly half. i can confidently say that i'm familiar with the romcom formula (i know i know, it doesn't take an expert to figure it out. you can read one book and you've read them all, but let me have this!) yet, i still wonder, "what if this one's different?" it never is. i'm still searching for that rare gem.

i don't read romcoms for the plotline. a glance at the book cover, title, or synopsis gives that away. nor can i really say that i read them for the characters—not on their own anyway. it's the clash and the chemistry between the characters that sweep me through the pages. it's the kilig i get from the first moments of mutual attraction, the first intimate conversation, the confession, and the little moments in between that has me devouring everything in the genre. but also, i would be remiss not to mention that people naturally indulge in things to make up for what they don't have. cough. lol

experiencing the initial stages of a relationship through these books is always fun but hardly ever surprising. when i get into a new story, i run through a mental checklist of romcom tropes. mostly to anticipate an eye roll and to hold out a little hope that the author will take a different path. romcoms are basically stitched together from these tropes, so i wanted to record them in one place—for my own expertise or a future game of take a shot when/bingo, who knows?!

the romcom's main cast

the romcom's supporting characters

the romcom plots

the romcom subplots

misc. romcom behavior

to writers' tendency to overuse these writing styles and devices! i can't say i like them one bit!

i will keep refining and adding to this once i think of more and read more, which i definitely will.

last updated: sept. 22, 2022