under the blanket fort

stuff i like (nov 30, 2023)

here is a smooth brain post because i've forgotten that writing doesn't need to be emotional or profound.

(this is the second installment of what was cool finds but i realize that i'm not always going to discover new things. so, stuff i like it is!)

šŸ“™ The Secret History by Donna Tartt, a book

i really fell for the internet's high fashion depiction of the autumnal genre and was surprised to find just how dark dark academia is.

Tartt is a master at stretching anticipation into the finest thread, and then snapping it at the final second. getting through the 544 pages felt like what i imagine a swim through molasses is like: promising at first with a full tank of momentum, until the sticky resistance is all you can feel. there are pockets of ease but mostly it is one foot after the other until the end. i would say the slow burn was worth it (me convincing myself the physical copy i bought was a good purchase). just make sure you have a featherlight novel lined up to help shake off the heaviness.

šŸ•¹ Lemon Cake, a video game

one of the cuter takes on restaurant management games like Diner Dash and Cake Mania, Lemon Cake is classified as cozy by many, including myself. however, it is still a management game and you still need to be precise with the controls. i have grit my teeth too many times when confusing the right shift button with the space bar (no, i don't want to pick up dough, i want to run to the dining room!!). nevertheless, the mild strain is what allows the gameplay loop to be addicting rather than tiresome. and when you blend it with a warm color palette and pleasant background music, it's something you can play while tucked under your duvet.

šŸµ handheld frother, a kitchen utensil

this simple, battery-powered tool has made my lethargic mornings and afternoons more bearable. it has whipped many a cup of matcha latte, hojicha latte, and strawberry milk, and for that i couldn't be more satisfied!

šŸ“ŗ Gilmore Girls, a TV series

the month would not be complete without a Gilmore Girls viewing. molasses-like again, I started the series last year and have been watching sporadically since then, mostly when folding clothes. it's a dialog-heavy show, so you don't always have to pay attention to the screen, but then came the halfway point of season 2 with the Jess storyline. as forever Team Other Guy (if i read/watched Twilight i probably would be Team Jacob), his frequent appearances energized me to spend a Saturday afternoon glued to the couch. I'm now four away from finishing the season and guess what this Sunday is? laundry day.